

Ship NameHull No.IMO No.ENI No.Year BuiltDate TakenLocation
HMS Ark Royal R07 1985 1996-05-27 Portsmouth Harbour
HMS Ark Royal R07 1985 2002-09-02 Portsmouth Harbour
HMS Ark Royal R07 1985 2003-07-05 Portsmouth Harbour
HMS Ark Royal R07 1985 2010-08-14 Portsmouth Harbour
Arkadiya 7359474 1975 1997-06-23 River Thames
fv Arkh-Angell K616 1990 2011-04-28 Peterhead
Arklow Abbey 8022626 1981 1989-05-14 Southampton
Arklow Accord 9851945 2020 2023-06-26 Belfast
Arklow Accord 9851945 2020 2023-06-27 Belfast
Arklow Bay 8713811 1988 1998-08-28 Dublin
Arklow Breeze 9638812 2015 2023-07-15 Blyth
Arklow Bridge 9101546 1996 1996-11-16 River Mersey
Arklow Brook 9101534 1995 2002-08-31 River Thames
Arklow Brook 9101534 1995 2003-08-16 River Thames
Arklow Dusk 8701947 1991 2003-09-27 Southampton
Arklow Faith 8922266 1992 2002-06-29 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Falcon 9527659 2010 2013-06-22 River Mersey
Arklow Falcon 9527659 2010 2022-09-29 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Falcon 9527659 2010 2023-09-28 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Fame 8922254 1992 2001-08-18 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Fame 9361720 2006 2010-08-14 Southampton
Arklow Fern 9527661 2010 2014-09-17 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Fern 9527661 2010 2014-09-19 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Forest 9527685 2011 2014-06-01 River Mersey
Arklow Forest 9527685 2011 2015-06-21 River Mersey
Arklow Fortune 8914295 1991 1997-06-09 Hamburg
Arklow Fortune 8914295 1991 2001-06-06 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Fortune 9361744 2007 2012-06-23 Rotterdam
Arklow Fortune 9361744 2007 2014-05-03 Firth of Tay
Arklow Freedom 8914283 1992 2001-08-18 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Freedom 9361756 2008 2011-06-24 Rotterdam
Arklow Future 9361768 2008 2013-07-07 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Future 9361768 2008 2014-08-07 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Manor 9440241 2009 2010-08-09 Blyth
Arklow Manor 9440241 2009 2019-09-05 Blyth
Arklow Marsh 8713823 1988 1998-05-27 River Elbe
Arklow Meadow 9440277 2010 2022-07-29 Blyth
Arklow Racer 9923217 2023 2023-06-27 Belfast
Arklow Raider 9344540 2007 2014-05-31 River Mersey
Arklow Raider 9344540 2007 2014-08-07 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Raider 9344540 2007 2014-08-09 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Rally 9250414 2002 2010-06-20 Rotterdam
Arklow Rally 9250414 2002 2010-06-21 Rotterdam
Arklow Rally 9250414 2002 2011-09-27 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Rambler 9250426 2002 2010-05-02 Ayr
Arklow Ranger 9250438 2002 2011-06-26 Rotterdam
Arklow Rebel 9291731 2005 2010-08-08 River Tyne
Arklow Rebel 9291731 2005 2010-08-10 River Tyne
Arklow Rival 9344514 2006 2014-09-17 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Rival 9344514 2006 2016-05-21 Firth of Clyde
Arklow River 9238404 2003 2004-06-19 River Mersey
Arklow Rogue 9344526 2007 2010-07-31 River Mersey
Arklow Rose 8314548 1984 1989-08-06 Southampton
Arklow Rose 9238399 2002 2003-08-30 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Ruler 9344502 2006 2017-03-23 Firth of Clyde
Arklow Sand 9163611 1998 2008-05-17 River Thames
Arklow Spirit 9117959 1995 2001-03-20 River Elbe
Arklow Spray 9117961 1996 2001-09-01 River Thames
Arklow Spray 9117961 1996 2010-06-20 Rotterdam
Arklow Spray 9117961 1996 2010-06-21 Rotterdam
Arklow Star 9196254 1999 2001-08-18 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Star 9196254 1999 2004-06-19 River Mersey
Arklow Surf 9218222 2000 2010-06-20 Rotterdam
Arklow Vale 8822040 1989 2000-05-20 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Vale 8822040 1989 2002-06-16 Amsterdam
Arklow Vale 9772527 2015 2022-05-12 Montrose
Arklow Valley 9048287 1992 2005-07-17 River Thames
Arklow Vanguard 9772577 2017 2019-08-03 River Mersey
Arklow Venture 9201839 1999 2010-03-23 Leith
Arklow Venus 9224166 2000 2010-09-25 Leith
Arklow View 9038397 1991 2001-08-18 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow View 9038397 1991 2002-07-27 Manchester Ship Canal
Arklow Viking 9003524 1990 1998-07-04 Southampton
Arklow Viking 9163635 1999 2013-09-12 Firth of Tay
Arklow Villa 9772618 2018 2023-06-27 Belfast
Arklow Villa 9772618 2018 2023-06-29 Belfast
Arklow Wave 9287302 2003 2009-09-23 Blyth
Arklow Willow 9314600 2004 2011-06-06 Blyth
Arklow Wind 9287314 2004 2011-08-28 Blyth
Arklow Wind 9287314 2004 2015-08-19 Blyth
Arkona 8646379 1977 2010-06-20 Rotterdam
Arkona 8646379 1977 2012-06-24 Rotterdam
Arkwright 2005-07-03 Portsmouth Harbour
fv Arlanda N306 1976 2017-08-27 River Tyne
fv Arlanda N306 1976 2019-08-25 River Tyne
Arlberg 7626396 1978 1988-09-03 Southampton
Armia Ludowa 8502535 1987 2007-06-12 River Tyne
Armorique 7108203 1972 1988-07-25 Portsmouth Harbour
Armorique 7108203 1972 1989-08-11 Portsmouth Harbour
Arnaud Regis 1974 2010-05-22 River Thames
fv Arnborg LK172 1974 2014-05-06 Ullapool
Arnette 2008-08-11 Marseille
Arosa 7387108 1975 1992-09-27 Rotterdam
Arosia 1990 1992-08-08 Southampton
Arouzu 9589138 2012 2013-08-26 River Tyne
RMAS Arrochar A382 7924267 1981 1999-05-25 Portsmouth Harbour
HMAV Arromanches L105 8516574 1987 1997-08-14 Southampton
fv Arrow BCK101 1985 2014-05-05 Buckie
Arrow 8609917 1988 1992-09-27 Rotterdam
Arrow 9119414 1998 2009-06-27 River Mersey